Calgary Herald letters: Forget the province; ask the feds to finish Green Line
The three-way agreement between Calgary, the province and the federal government to build the Green Line has been breached. The city should pursue a new agreement with the federal government. Leave the province on the sidelines. Re: Water use in city ‘unsustainable’ as feeder main repairs continue”, Sept. 6 Citizens paying the price It takes a lot of gall to impose fines on Calgarians for using what is deemed excess water. When the original pipeline leak happened, the fix was to take five days. Then it was two weeks. Eventually, the weeks turned into months, but all the while citizens dutifully conserved, having been assured the crisis was over. Then more leaks were found and restrictions again imposed. Frankly, I think Calgarians no longer trust officials when it comes to what’s happening with their water. People have simply given up taking the word of highly paid “experts” on this file. With a huge budget and the fault lying directly at the feet of the city, fines are inappropriate. Nancy Marley-Clarke, Calgary More information needed If the mayor and staff wanted Calgarians to be water-wise for an additional month, then perhaps there should have been transparency in July and August. For instance, there could have been messaging around September repairs and Stage 4 restrictions, and the necessity to conserve in advance.? Airport lot leaves much to be desired Has anybody had to make use of the cellphone holding area at the Calgary airport recently? I did on a few occasions and it’s not pretty. Since it falls under the Airport Authority, one would think, at a major airport such as YYC, you’d find a paved lot with facilities enhancing the experience of picking up a loved one. Au contraire, what you find is a dusty, potholed lot badly in need of some asphalt and even a Porta-potty would be appreciated.