How to submit a column or a letter to the Calgary Herald
Here are a few tips to increase your chances of having a column or a letter to the editor published online or in the pages of the Calgary Herald.

Hello, fellow writers,
Here are a few tips to increase your chances of having a column or a letter to the editor published online or in the pages of the Calgary Herald — with our thanks in advance for your efforts.
For instructions on sending a letter to the editor, please click here.
- An opinion piece needs to be just that, an opinion or argument aimed at persuading readers to your point of view. This is not the home for general news features and commercial promotions.
- It also needs to be well-written. Clear language and organization are a must.
- We read all opinion pieces submitted to us.
- We will edit sparingly for clarity, accuracy and length, but we will retain the spirit and voice of the writer.
- The Herald does not pay a fee for freelance opinion pieces.
- There is no need to query first; send your piece, up to 650 words in length, to
- Don’t send it as an attachment.
- Please include a sentence about yourself at the bottom for a tagline about the author. Add your social media handle or email address if you want readers to have this information.
- If you have personal involvement with the issue or group about which you are writing, please tell us. This does not necessarily pose a problem, but we expect full disclosure of such connections.
- If you have online sources, feel free to include links. These links may appear in the web version of a column.
- Please do not submit to us anything you have submitted or published elsewhere. We want the right of first consideration on your work.
- Please do not submit “open letters,” petitions or pieces you have already sent to a public official.
- We do not publish anonymous pieces or pieces written under pseudonyms.
- The Calgary Herald also shares opeds with other Postmedia papers in case they are interested for their print editions.
- The Herald retains copyright on all pieces it publishes. You may not reprint without our permission once published on a Postmedia platform.
- We may revise the proposed date of publication for breaking news reasons.
- Articles we accept are mostly for online publication; although we strive to also publish columns in print.
- A clear, concise opinion, backed by a logical argument and strong writing (in about 650 words). Offering solutions to a problem you have identified also often leads to a stronger piece.
- Originality: If we’ve recently published a similar opinion, or if the point has been made several times in the media in general, we are less likely to print your version of it.
- Some level of expertise or knowledge of the subject beyond the average. We like writers with some experience in their subject area, but we will consider superior writing and skilled argumentation from anyone.
- Diversity of views and of writers: We are happy to publish opinions that differ from our own if they meet these other standards.
- Plain language: Lose the jargon and fuzzy, academic vocabulary.
- Concrete examples: Broad, abstract writing on a topic is unlikely to make the cut.
- We are not interested in the latest unfounded conspiracy theories.
- We cannot print or post every submission we receive.
- We cannot provide detailed feedback on rejected submissions.
- An editorial is written by a newspaper’s staff, usually a member of the editorial board.
- An oped is an occasional opinion piece by a guest writer. “Oped” is short for “opposite the editorial page,” in case you were wondering.
- A column is an opinion piece by a writer who appears regularly.
- A letter to the editor, for publication, should be 150 words maximum. Indeed, it can be a sentence or two, and should be sent to Anyone can write a letter to the editor. Include your full name, address and phone for our files. Without this, your letter can’t be considered.
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